How Do The Suburbs Sound?

Thinking about a move to the suburbs? Well, if you are it is never too soon to speak to your real estate professional!

Two of my past clients contacted me this week to say that they were going to be moving to the suburbs, and they wanted to be in Situ by next summer. That's brilliant because now we have plenty of time in order to make everything happen. If they need to pull the equity out of their existing property in order to be in a much stronger position to buy in the suburbs where inventory is very tight, then we need to make sure that they are done and dusted in plenty of time for that!

We also have lots of time now in order to make those little changes that might make a difference; little bits of painting, grout, whatever can be done. Chances are people are having another baby, or a first baby, there's going to be a lot more stuff lying around, a lot more belongings looking messy. So, let's get those photographs done before all that happens!

Most importantly- I can also put you in contact with someone in all of those suburbs. The Works of Brown Harris Stevens, who could also do the reverse process which is get you set up looking and knowing what it is you want, where you want it, and giving you alerts when things are starting to actually come on the marketplace!

The moral of the story here is it's never too soon! These people are sitting on two bedrooms/ one bathroom, two bedroom/ two bathroom apartments very desirable. They will definitely sell!

Let's talk now so that we can get you in the best place for your next move. If that's to the suburbs that's fantastic! If it's the decision you've made in your life then it's the right one.


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